Terms and conditions

You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions relating to its use set out below by using this website.

This website contains information of a general nature. It is not a substitute for seeking appropriate advice. We make no representations for the information on this website about its  

  • content  

  • and suitability.  

We have taken due care in the compilation of the information on this website. The website and its contents may contain errors, faults, and inaccuracies. It may not be complete or current. We provide the information and the website ‘as is.’ We do so without any express or implied warranty of any kind. This includes, without limitation, about its fitness for purpose. This also includes whether your use will be interrupted or error-free. You use the information and website at your own risk. 

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by anyone through relying on or using any information on this website. Such loss or damage includes direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage based on contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if we have been advised of the possibility of damage. 

This Site contains links to other 3rd party services and sites which are not under the control of Peter Mac. Those links are only provided for your convenience. 

  1. Peter Mac does not warrant  
    • the accuracy of any hypertext links provided on the Site or the suitability, accuracy completeness, currency, merchantability, fitness for purpose or any other aspect of any content located at those links;
    • that the linked site does not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any person;
    • the physical location at which that site is hosted (or the location of any person accessing or controlling that site);
    • the confidentiality and privacy practices of that site; and
    • the security and safety of that site or any file on it (including the existence of Harmful Code);  
  2. unless specifically stated otherwise, do not constitute any association of Peter Mac with, or any endorsement or approval by Peter Mac of, those other websites, their content, or the people who run or contribute to them; and 
  3. any omission of links to any site or organisation does not constitute any non-endorsement or disproval of those sites or organisations. 

Your use of the links, and use or reliance on the content on any linked site, is at your own risk and to the extent permitted by law, Peter Mac disclaims any liability in relation to those links or sites. Peter Mac recommends you take care when accessing and using third party sites and that you read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third party site as they may be different to Peter Mac’s terms and policies. 

We accept no liability for any interference with or damage to a user’s computer system, software, or data because of connecting with this website, including without limitation, arising from viruses or other harmful codes. 

We endeavour to ensure that the website is operational but accept no responsibility or liability for the website being temporarily unavailable for any reason. 

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