General News

Focus on sarcoma

2 min read 17 July 2023

Each year around 2,400 Australians are diagnosed with sarcoma. For one of Australia’s rarer cancers, it can have a big and lasting impact particularly on the young.

“Sarcoma is a cancer that disproportionately affects young people,” explains Peter Mac’s Dr Jeremy Lewin.

“Occurring at a critical life stage, it can change the trajectory of a young person’s life”.

Dr Lewin is a medical oncologist with expertise in sarcoma, and Research & Education Lead for Sarcoma for the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Alliance.

He is also Medical Director of the Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service at Peter Mac which provides dedicated supports for young people with cancer, including many with sarcoma.

Sarcoma occurs when healthy cells in the bone change and grow out of control, forming a tumour. If not found in time, this can destroy the affected bone and tumour cells can get into the bloodstream and form more cancers elsewhere in the body.

While sarcoma, or bone cancer, can occur at any age it is commonly seen in children, teens and young adults.

“My call particularly to young Australians is to be on the look-out for any unusual swelling, lumps or bumps on your body as this can be a sign of sarcoma,” Dr Lewin says.

“Your GP can check these and, if needed, refer you to a specialist centre like Peter Mac noting that early detection makes these cancers easier to treat.”

Treatment can include chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery and, when the sarcoma is found before it has spread, most patients can be cured.

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month, and Dr Lewin will join with other sarcoma experts to discuss this cancer during two online webinars.

Register via the links below for these events which are supported by the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association (ANZSA)

ANZSA is the peak body for the sarcoma community and aims to improve outcomes for sarcoma patients through research, education and awareness of sarcomas and related tumours. It also fosters effective collaborations across multi-disciplinary teams working together to discuss sarcoma and related tumours cases, and how to best manage treatment and care.

Webinar 1: Early Diagnosis in Primary Care: A Comprehensive Approach to Improving Outcomes


Monday, 17th of July, 1pm – 2pm AEST


  • Host: Dr. Jeremy Lewin (Medical Oncologist)
  • Associate Professor Claudia Di Bella (Orthopaedic surgeon)
  • Ms Stephanie Webster (Consumer Representative)
  • Meena Rafiq (Academic GP and Clinical Research Fellow)

Register for Webinar 1

Webinar 2: Advancing Sarcoma Research Through Clinical Trials: A Webinar on Current and Future Direction of ANZSA (Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association)


Thursday 27th of July, 1pm – 2pm AEST


  • Professor Jayesh Desai (Medical Oncologist)
  • Jeremy Lewin (Medical Oncologist)
  • Ms Julijana Todorovic (Consumer Representative)
  • Ms Karen Lurati (Consumer Representative)
  • Ms Sarah Cheung (Consumer Representative)

Register for Webinar 2