
Peter Mac's first Psychology Registrar program underway

28 March 2023

Peter Mac has welcomed four recent graduates into the Psychosocial Oncology team, boosting our capacity to support the emotional and psychological needs of patients and families.

Dr Olivia Chung, Jardine Mitchell, Jake Garvey and Ana Lea have commenced their work with patients over the last few weeks. 

Head of Clinical Psychology Dr Elizabeth Barson explains, “We are lucky to have attracted such high calibre candidates, who are energetic and passionate about how good mental health contributes to good physical health.”

Peter Mac’s inaugural Psychosocial Oncology Registrar Program is supported by the Victorian Department of Health, with funding secured for three two-year positions per year over the next three years.

Elizabeth explains, “This funding allows us to significantly increase our reach across the organisation and provide more timely and flexible care.”

Each of the new team members are passionate about supporting patients and families throughout the cancer journey, with their areas of interest ranging from working with older adults, adolescents and young adults, LGBTQIA+ communities, cancer survivorship, and supporting patients receiving palliative care.

They are all looking forward to rotations through different work areas, the opportunity to work closely with several muldisciplinary nursing and allied health teams, and the supported learning offered by senior team members to help them further develop their skills.  

In reflecting on program Ana Lea said, “I aim to support patients living with a cancer diagnosis by witnessing and facilitating their strengths, inherent problem-solving abilities, and reflecting on what is important to them.”

Of our four new recruits, Jake Garvey, Jardine Mitchell and Olivia Chung are already familiar with Peter Mac, having completed placements with our Psychosocial Oncology Program during their studies.

Olivia describes her previous Peter Mac experience as, “an incredibly humbling and formative experience in my early career and I am thrilled to be returning to complete my registrar program.”

Learn more about Peter Mac’s Psychosocial Oncology supports and services here.